
I have prepared a depiction of my idea of the picture which will be on the retail packaging box.

The idea behind it is that it is sort of infographics, which will depict that for beautiful aquarium, we need to manage the main parameters and the RMLD will help to achieve this.

This is just a draft yet, and I understand that there is too much info at the same time.  Also that the example is too negative – there should be majority of the beautiful part of the aquarium.

In the final art, there should be picture of the device & the mobile app
I have shared this idea with the design job contestants, let’s see what they can do with it.

Important to note is also, that we have decided to use the name INTAQO instead of RMLD. The base of the name comes from Integrated Aquarium Controller. We have checked that the name is not in use by anyone and registered the domains.

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